New Book - A strategy guide to AI in the health sciences

As a scientist, I want to act with urgency to use artificial intelligence(AI) to save lives, develop new drugs, and cure disease. As an ethics leader, I also appreciate that good governance and values are not expendable. In fact, when governance is done right, it can accelerate AI. That was my motivation for writing a book that delivers a roadmap for building an AI strategy for pharmaceutical and biotech companies.

Build Better AI synthesizes years of real world experience into a succinct executive summary that describes the fundamental components of AI strategy in the pharmaceutical industry. This focused guide will give you the roadmap you need to kickstart a comprehensive AI plan of action including forming an executive working group, hiring talent, building a community, coordinating experts, finding the right partners, and kickstarting innovation projects.

On the pages of this blog, I’ll be expanding on the material in the book by discussing the strategies in more depth, interviewing thought leaders, and providing new analyses of AI in the health sciences and beyond. I also want to hear from you, learn from your projects, and find ways to help your organization to build better AI.


Strategy Tool: A checklist to deploy AI strategy.