Strategy Tool: A checklist to deploy AI strategy.

I’ve been asked several times: “What is the biggest ethical risk in AI?”

Most people expect me to say something that has to do with bias, error rates, data shifts, or cite a recent scandal about AI-gone-wrong.  Instead, I often say, “The biggest ethical problem is that we aren’t doing enough AI, especially in healthcare.”

How could this be, especially when the known risks of AI can cause significant harm, especially to under-represented groups?  My answer isn’t meant to diminish those problems, which are certainly important. Indeed, whenever I consult with someone about an application of AI, most of our time is spent on bias, accuracy, social impact, inclusiveness, and privacy. Those issues matter (a lot) but focusing only on them helps us forget that there is a vast space of potential applications for AI that are far from controversial. Drug discovery, therapeutic protein design, vaccine design, and monitoring for heath events are all potentially transformative domains for use of AI.

In some of these areas, our ethics demands that we act with greater urgency to bring AI to health science. That is partly why I wrote, Build Better AI, and why I want to continue to support the community to build strategy for launching AI in the pharmaceutical and biotech space.

Build Better AI focuses on describing six Foundations of good AI strategy in pharma, and seven Accelerations that will further boost your efforts in AI.

While the book is already concise, I wanted to condense this information even further into a handy checklist and set of notes that will serve as a quick reference for your strategy implementation.  Please feel free to download and use the document as you explore AI in your organization. To download, click HERE.

Note that I consider this a ‘living’ document.  As the field matures and the context changes I will update this checklist and add version numbers to each new release.


New Book - A strategy guide to AI in the health sciences